Solutions /
Touring & live band agencies

Touring & live band agencies

The stage is your passion. Guarantee your touring and live artists’ success whether you’re organizing a regional circuit or a multi-continent tour.
SystemOne is trusted by thousands of agents and artists worldwide
All Artists Agency
Cobra Agency
Criative Music
Mix Max Music
All Artists Agency
Cobra Agency
Criative Music
Mix Max Music

A booking platform for every genre

You’re focused on negotiating deals, contracting & invoicing while your tour managers handle on-the-road logistics. SystemOne is the end-to-end booking platform you've been wishing for.

24/7 booking requests

Create custom booking request forms and embed them on your agency and artist websites.

Artist availability & exclusivity

Find open slots in your artists’ schedules and easily generate offers. Get warnings before you double-book. Stay compliant with regional and agent exclusivity clauses.

Single source of truth

Create and share quotes, contracts, and advancing documents. Collaborate with team members and external stakeholders. Automate communications. And keep everything in one place.

Show planning at any scale

Managing multiple live acts and touring bands across regions means there’s lots of space for mistakes. SystemOne makes it easy to track multiple timetables and keep your shows rolling.
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Work faster & stay in control!

Flexible views

Calendar, map & show views with dynamic tags & filters enable you to quickly check and fill up your artists’ summer festival and club gigs. Anywhere in the world.

Shareable itineraries

Invite artists, managers & crew as external stakeholders on the SystemOne mobile app. They can check show details, flights, trains & ground travel in real-time.

Automated advancing

Increase your booking efficiency. Create async advancing sessions with promoters to put all your show planning in place. Accept or decline promoter input & leave notes.

Get deals out the door faster

Sell more shows, work faster, and stay in control with SystemOne’s intuitive contracting & invoicing features.

Draft & review documents online

Easily upload and share contracts, artist riders, and other agency documents. Use templates for fast turnaround. Create a customized review checklist so you don’t miss anything before sending.
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Autosign contracts

Reduce time spent on paperwork. Get contracts signed instantly with integrated eSign. Set up Autosign to automatically add your agent’s signature once all parties have signed a contract.
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Invoices & payment updates

Keep track with SystemOne’s bookkeeping features. Create your PDF and email templates and generate unique numbered invoices. Log payments and fees.
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Comprehensive statistics & reports

Create custom tags. Filter artists, contacts, shows, and invoices to get a complete overview of your agency’s work. Export only the data you want to see.
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Sonia Ordoñez Alcantara
The platform makes my life so much easier. I’m always with my artists on the road and point to SystemOne whenever they have questions. It has become a running joke to say, ‘Just check SystemOne!’
Diogo Chiapani
Marketing Manager at Criative Music
With SystemOne we organize the entire agenda in a single place. In addition to the editable fields, we can input the data of our promoters, artists, air tickets, and hotels. We’re able to export all this data in editable or non-editable files to send to each show’s stakeholders. All this is linked to the financial section within the system. It's wonderful.
Scott Southard
Founder & Director at IMN
Data integrity is what I value most about SystemOne. I know how to create solutions with the information readily available to me in the system. All the data is interacting simultaneously with predictable outcomes so I can work faster and sell the right shows.

Get started with SystemOne today

Take the first step towards streamlining your booking process—start your free trial or book a demo below.
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