What are versions?
Version are used to keep track of different revisions of the same eSign document and are immutable. This means, that when the version is sent out for signature, no more changes can be made to the PDF that the signatories see.
Changing a document that is out for signature
When a document is out for signature and changes need to be made to this document, you can start a new version by selecting Start new version from the Options panel on the right side.

This will increase the version number of the document and bring you back to the draft step.
Once a document is signed by all parties, no new versions can be issued.
When a new version is in draft/review mode, older versions are no longer accessible for signatories. They will recieve an email, once the new version is send out for signature.
When a new version is made, all the signatories need to sign again, even when they have signed a previous version.
Footer of document
The verion number is printed in the footer that is automatically added to every page. This is to prevent any misunderstanding about the version of the document.