Permissions for external user
This article describes permissions that are available to external users.
A good way to get familiar with these permissions is to create an external account for yourself and check out the different settings.
Financial details
User is able to see cost amounts.
User is able to see sales amounts.
Add new shows
User can add new shows. The external user cannot modify the show after it has been approved by an internal user.
Read promoter details
User can see the address and contact details of the promoter of a show.
Access tasks
User can read tasks in the detail page of a show. Tasks must be marked as Visible to external.
Access notes
User can read notes in the detail page of a show. Notes must be marked as Visible to external.
Access emails
User can read emails in the detail page of a show. Emails must be marked as Visible to external.
Access files
User can download files from the detail page of a show. Files must be marked as Visible to external.
Access guestlists
User can view the guestlists registered with their shows and add guests to it.
List export
User can use the list export from different views in the planning section.
Web development
Booking request form
User can configure booking request forms. A web developer can implement/ embed a booking request form on a website to capture incoming booking requests from promoters/ customers.
Embed shows
User can access the configuration wizard for embedding shows on a website.