How to use guest lists
The digital guest list in System One can be activated by an internal user and filled out by both internal and external users. Internal users can send the guestlist as a document to the promoter or venue.
Activate Guest list
1. Go to a show and scroll to the section Guest list. Click on Activate.
2. Create the rules for your guest list: You can decide which personal information about guests should be optional or obligatory to fill in. You can also set a deadline for the guest list.
3. Create spots on the guest list: You can decide the amount of spots and the categories of spots available in "Lists". You can also add several categories of spots on the guest list. The guests are added to their respective lists.
Adding guests to lists
4. Now you’ve configured and created your guest lists, hit Add guest to start adding guests! The rules you configured in step 2 will determine which information you must add for each guest.

5. Added guests will be displayed in the detail view. You can also modify all the added information if anything changes.
6. At any time, click on the download icon to export the list as an Excel file for sharing.

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