Centro de soporte

Requirements to use System One

Desktop app
There is a desktop app for System One that runs in a browser on Mac or Windows, like a web-page.

Mobile app
There is a mobile app available for iPhone and Andoid devices. You can find it in the app store.

What browser should I use?

We recommend to use Chrome during development & testing. However, Edge, FireFox or Safari also work.

The most imporant thing is: your browser should be up-to-date. We cannot guarantee or give support for out-of-date browsers. You can check the version of your browser here.

Security is the most important argument to update your browser. Out-of-date browsers have known security exploits that make it easy for hackers to compromise your system.

If your operating system (OS) doesn't allow you to update your browser to the lastest version, try to update your OS. If your computer is too old for that, you're probably up for replacement.

What do I need to modify templates

You need the latest version of Microsoft Word to modify document templates.