
My selection


For years, you've been able to add companies, contacts, shows and documents to "My Selection." From there, you can easily perform batch operations on your selected items, allowing you to:

  • Change the status for all of the items in the selection.
  • Add / remove tags for all of the items in the selection.
  • Change the owner for all of the items in the selection.

This feature is a real timesaver for modifying multiple records, but many users found it difficult to use due to an overly complex interface. We've streamlined and improved it for a smoother experience.

My selection counter

While you're selecting records, you can immediately see how many items you've selected. You can click on "My selection" to switch to the "My selection" view. 

My selection view

This view is the gamechanger in terms of usability and allows you to:

  • Get an overview of the items in your selection.
  • Perform batch operations that are available in this section.
  • Download an export, using the excel templates that your configured for this section.
  • Clear the selection.
  • Go back to the filters.

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